I'd like every window in gnome shell to open in the state and position used when I closed them, or at least, if that's not possible, to let me configure how they should open.
I noticed that some applications (atom editor, files, for example) seem to remember the window size but not it's position, and others seems to open always in the same way (terminator).
For example, every time I open terminator I tile it to the left, I'd like some way to configure it so that it should always open like that.
BTW, I'm using Ubuntu Bionic Beaver development branch
I could achieve something like that using devilspie2 (also check here for a few tips https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie)
and then created the following file at ~/.config/devilspie2/terminator.lua
Nevertheless I still can't exactly reproduce gnome shell's behavior. If I tile terminator to the left win win-left, the windows decoration disappears, and it appears again if I restore it, with this lua script windows decoration remain visible
And finally to make it autostart I created the following file at ~/.config/autostart/devilspie2.desktop