Nguyen Duc Toan Asked: 2018-05-24 01:36:48 +0800 CST2018-05-24 01:36:48 +0800 CST 2018-05-24 01:36:48 +0800 CST What is Launch (c) key in Kubuntu 772 I fiddle with shortcuts in Kubuntu and stumble on this option. Can someone tell me what is this Launch (C) key? keyboard shortcut-keys kubuntu 1 Answers Voted Wolf 2018-08-13T17:38:43+08:002018-08-13T17:38:43+08:00 Some keyboards have dedicated multimedia keys to launch applications. Launch (C) is one of 16 symbolic codes for such launchers: XF86Launch[0-9A-F].
Some keyboards have dedicated multimedia keys to launch applications.
Launch (C)
is one of 16 symbolic codes for such launchers:XF86Launch[0-9A-F]