I installed Ubuntu 16.04 using LVM method. Now while trying to re-partition HDD using Gparted, I saw that my HDD present situation is like this :
LVM is using the entire part of extended space. (Also both of them are locked ? why ? I did not lock those with any password or anything!!)
I searched through this forum and found another similar question LVM Hard disk partitioning after Ubuntu installation and did as pas4080 said.
While defragmenting with
sudo e4defrag /mnt
I got the result
Success: [ 140820/243617 ]
Failure: [ 102797/243617 ]
though each of the processes showed to be 'ok'
2nd step showed : $ umount /dev/ubuntu-vg/root
umount: /mnt: umount failed: Operation not permitted
Now I don't know what the faliure was or why umount was not permitted. Can anybody help me here?
EDIT : as suggested by oldfred
sudo umount /dev/vg_ubuntu/lv_root
[sudo] password for alpha:
umount: /dev/vg_ubuntu/lv_root: mountpoint not found
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