I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.10. Using the disc management tools in Windows I was able to shrink the volume and give myself 200G for Ubuntu.
I am trying to mount the Windows partition so that I can place my music (abt 240G) and my photos (abt 400G) on the Windows partition and have full access to all the files. So far, even when using the examples below, "Permissions" says I have full access, yet I cannot change anything on that partition. Using the examples in: NTFS data partition can't be accessed by another user unless unmounted in my current user session before logging out
I have edited my /etc/fstab:
# Example:
# Windows Partition - targetted for /media/win7
# UUID=UUIDOFPARTITION /media/win7 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7000,uid=1000,gid=1000,user 0 0
# first solution:
# UUID=82B86F5AB86F4C2B /Windows ntfs-3g defaults,local=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7000,uid=1000,gid=1000,user 0 0
# The above did not work.
# second solution:
# Example:
# UUID=0123456789ABCDEF /mnt ntfs-3g rw,exec,async,auto,user,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7007,gid=654 0 0
# My next solution:
# UUID=82B86F5AB86F4C2B /Windows ntfs-3g rw,exec,async,auto,user,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7007,gid=1001, 0 0
UUID=82B86F5AB86F4C2B /Windows ntfs-3g rw,exec,async,auto,user,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7007,uid=1000,gid=1001, 0 0
This did not result in being able to read and write to the NTFS partition on the single hard drive. I tried with and without the uid=1000. I created the group and added myself to 'ntfs-access' with gid="1001" (quotes removed).
There is a ”fast startup“ option in windows leaving the partition in an inconsistent state. Linux cannot write to those partitions—try do disable this option in windows.
There is a thread already dealing with this problem and explaining it in more detail.