All my music is in the Rhythmbox music list and can be played normally. When I insert a new CD to an external USB drive I can play the CD, eject, etc. I click on "Extract" and the whole thing (Rhythmbox) shuts down. I have installed the restricted extras and I find no matching questions that have been answered concerning this problem. If you need more information you will need to tell me how to get it. I am good at command line and fairly comfortable using it.
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
Gnome version:3.36.8
This is a new installation, dual boot with windows 10.
Michael Sardior's questions
Using the instructions in this thread I disabled the lock screen: Disabling Lock Screen 18.04
...and the phone style slide-up lock screen is still enabled. It is not "locked". However, if I happen to be playing a game, that slide screen function completely locks up my computer. I can't get it back without a hard reboot. I would like a way to completely get rid of the phone style slide up requirement to return to my desktop. Just go from a blank screen (or screen saver) to the desktop when I move my mouse or press a key or anything to wake up the computer.
I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 18.10. Using the disc management tools in Windows I was able to shrink the volume and give myself 200G for Ubuntu.
I am trying to mount the Windows partition so that I can place my music (abt 240G) and my photos (abt 400G) on the Windows partition and have full access to all the files. So far, even when using the examples below, "Permissions" says I have full access, yet I cannot change anything on that partition. Using the examples in: NTFS data partition can't be accessed by another user unless unmounted in my current user session before logging out
I have edited my /etc/fstab:
# Example:
# Windows Partition - targetted for /media/win7
# UUID=UUIDOFPARTITION /media/win7 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7000,uid=1000,gid=1000,user 0 0
# first solution:
# UUID=82B86F5AB86F4C2B /Windows ntfs-3g defaults,local=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7000,uid=1000,gid=1000,user 0 0
# The above did not work.
# second solution:
# Example:
# UUID=0123456789ABCDEF /mnt ntfs-3g rw,exec,async,auto,user,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7007,gid=654 0 0
# My next solution:
# UUID=82B86F5AB86F4C2B /Windows ntfs-3g rw,exec,async,auto,user,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7007,gid=1001, 0 0
UUID=82B86F5AB86F4C2B /Windows ntfs-3g rw,exec,async,auto,user,locale=en_US.utf8,windows_names,umask=7007,uid=1000,gid=1001, 0 0
This did not result in being able to read and write to the NTFS partition on the single hard drive. I tried with and without the uid=1000. I created the group and added myself to 'ntfs-access' with gid="1001" (quotes removed).
Context menu delete option not found in Ubuntu 18. Do not like the extra steps of "Trash Can", want to flush immediately instead of having to take the stinky garbage out later. Have used that option since the first of the gnome/nautilus desktop iterations. Would like it back.