How can I install atheros drivers to my Toshiba laptop (64bit), manually?
I need AR9285 wireless adapter, and AR8152(v1.1) wired, fast ethernet.
I cannot connect my UberStudent1.0 (linux OS, Ubuntu10.04,equiv.) to the net. I have on the laptop Mint8 which connects well and able to download any drivers. Please, would you kindly show me how to install them if they are not .deb formats. Tarballs, zip,etc, still give me a hard time to work with.
You might need to install additional wireless drivers, this can be difficult without a network connection.
I recommend downloading the AMD64 .deb directly from this page and then copy them onto a USB key or CD-R and back onto your laptop. Then install it by double clicking on it and following the instructions in the Software Center, then you'll probably need to reboot. Your wireless card should work at that point.
After that install linux-backports-modules-wireless-maverick-generic so that you'll have that package installed so you'll get upgrades.
check this for wireless driver! I had the same problem before and I've found the solution!
for install drivers you can simply go to System > Administration > Additional Drivers, ubuntu will detect drivers you need