It seems like a typical way that you have some output in the terminal and if you want to select certain phrase you use your mouse to copy it, but is there any way to select without using mouse? For example, I input ls
, and get a list of files, and I want to select the second file (second row), is there a way to copy the name without using mouse?
Using tmux:
I use
in vi mode:~/.tmux.conf
):bind Escape copy-mode
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-selection
Also create a key binding like this:
So you can save the buffer into system clipboard by pressing Prefix+Ctrl+c.
I have add my configuration cause it's more like vim than default config.
Using commands:
Here is what I do:
ls -1
)xsel -bi
In your example:
ls -1
prints the outputs each in one linesed -n 2p
get the second linexsel
has been used to copy the final result in clipboard.If the command takes too long to run, first save the output to a file the process the output:
The most common Linux terminals emulators cannot do this directly. There a 2 ones I am aware of, though.
One which exists for quite some time is Termite. It is rather spartanic, though (keyboard shortcuts not configurable, no multiple tabs).
Now there is a second one, which has these features named Mantid (which I' shamelessly advertising here :) ):
There isn't an Ubuntu build, yet, though, one Arch and RPM. You might try to build an RPM and convert to to deb using Alien, though.