I'm an avid vanilla ubuntu user (19.04) I've recently switched to budgie desktop environment.
after some tuning using the "Budgie desktop Setting" app (which is basically "Tweaks" such as "gnome-tweaks", but for budgie, I've gotten rid of Plank and tuned my Panel by adding "Icon task list" for one...), I've obtained what I want : this -> https://github.com/vinceliuice/Qogir-theme#screenshots
However I can't really adapt to the mint / cinamon / windows xp start menu. I've pretty much been onboard with the fullscreen search / "synapse" approach since day one.
and the start menu we've had in ubuntu since ubuntu's adopted gnome is pitch perfect to me.
Am I dreaming too much if I want to ally the best of both worlds (budgie & ubuntu-gnome start/search) ?
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