I am running out of memory on my computer and this is the output of "top":
Node is taking all my memory.
So I tried the following command several times:
sudo pkill -f node
Nothing change, when I try to stop it by the ID, it says that the ID doesn't exist, in deed the ID is changing every second. I don't know what is running in the background and I don't know how to stop it. Do you have an idea?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: The problem has been solved! Thanks to Terrance! I needed to run "top -c" to see what precise process caused the problem, it was "wekan" so I stopped the process: "systemctl stop snap.wekan.wekan"
is the process ID (PID) from your screenshot.Note that it's probably not really "node" per se that you want to stop, but a node application that you are running.