Gents, I have a lot of problems getting Xampp to work. I installed Xampp with this tutorial. After that I set the permissions following this tutorial.
Here is what I did:
1- download
chmod 755
2- install the package
sudo ./
3- Run the graphical manager
4- Find the owner and the group
ls -ld /opt/lampp/htdocs
id -gn
Change ownership to myself
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/lampp/htdocs
sudo chown -R jos:jos /opt/lampp/htdocs
This is as far as I got. All according to the tutorials, but now the problems begin.
When I want to install Joomla or WordPress this is not enough. The privileges 755 won't allow me to install either. I have to set them to 777. Even so, I have to manually remove the installation folder, and create the configuration file. In WP I have to change the wp-config.php to remove the ftp credentials pop up.
All this is a privileges issue. When I upload an Akeeba .jpa backup all files and folders are locked, and owned by daemon. When I install something it will be owned by the user daemon and group daemon.
httpd.conf in /opt/lampp/etc tells me the User and Group are daemon
User daemon
Group daemon
I stopped the server, changed that to jos and jos, and restarted. Now phpmyadmin throws an error. (So I changed it back to daemon daemon to get it working again.)
How do I solve this problem?
Continuing my quest, I know that the daemon controls a lot. I can't change it, but what I can do is add user jos to the group daemon and vice versa. That works. now I can install software and work with phpmyadmin.
I still have to chmod -R 777 on the folder everytime I install software.
the xampp apache server uses a user named daemon to access the folders inside htdocs, this will fix all the permission problems.