I've downloaded Scout-app. But I can't get it to work. The file Scout-app has the correct permission, and is executable. How do I get it to work?
Jos's questions
I installed local from flywheel. It's not what I want, my little laptop is begging for mercy. How do I remove it? They have instructions for apple and windows, but not for ubuntu.
In opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf the User/Group is set to daemon by default. I want to set this to different User and Group.
When I do that phpmyadmin won't work anymore. How do I change this?
Gents, I have a lot of problems getting Xampp to work. I installed Xampp with this tutorial. After that I set the permissions following this tutorial.
Here is what I did:
1- download xampp-linux-x64-7.4.2-0-installer.run
chmod 755 xampp-linux-x64-7.4.2-0-installer.run
2- install the package
sudo ./xampp-linux-x64-7.4.2-0-installer.run
3- Run the graphical manager
4- Find the owner and the group
ls -ld /opt/lampp/htdocs
id -gn
Change ownership to myself
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/lampp/htdocs
sudo chown -R jos:jos /opt/lampp/htdocs
This is as far as I got. All according to the tutorials, but now the problems begin.
When I want to install Joomla or WordPress this is not enough. The privileges 755 won't allow me to install either. I have to set them to 777. Even so, I have to manually remove the installation folder, and create the configuration file. In WP I have to change the wp-config.php to remove the ftp credentials pop up.
All this is a privileges issue. When I upload an Akeeba .jpa backup all files and folders are locked, and owned by daemon. When I install something it will be owned by the user daemon and group daemon.
httpd.conf in /opt/lampp/etc tells me the User and Group are daemon
User daemon
Group daemon
I stopped the server, changed that to jos and jos, and restarted. Now phpmyadmin throws an error. (So I changed it back to daemon daemon to get it working again.)
How do I solve this problem?
Continuing my quest, I know that the daemon controls a lot. I can't change it, but what I can do is add user jos to the group daemon and vice versa. That works. now I can install software and work with phpmyadmin.
I still have to chmod -R 777 on the folder everytime I install software.
I had to reinstall xampp, it works almost perfect. But in Joomla I have to manually create the config.php due to a permissions isue. Same for WP, I have to create manually wp-config.php. Also I have to remove the install folder of Joomla manually. In WP I can't install themes, I have to give ftp credentials.
How do I solve this?
In Nautilus (18.04) I have Recent, Home, Desktop, Documents,, Downloads ... links on the left pane.
I never use music, Pictures and Videos. I wonder if it is possible to remove those links, and if it is possible to set something else instead.
I have to go a lot to /opt/lampp/htdocs. It would be nice to have a link sites instead of videos.
Is it possible, and how do I do that?
I just upgraded php 7.0 using this tutorial.
checking the version with php -v:
PHP 7.2.9-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1 (cli) (built: Aug 19 2018 07:16:12) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.2.9-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+1, Copyright (c) 1999-2018, by Zend Technologies
Restarted my computer and ... no go:
Starting XAMPP for Linux 7.0.8-0...
XAMPP: Starting Apache...fail.
XAMPP: Another web server is already running.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...already running.
So there is a server running, but I can't find it. What do I need to do to get xampp working again? When I go to localhost I see the Apache2 Debian Default Page. My files are in opt/lampp/htdocs
I understand that I have to use /var/www/ now. Correct? How do I start or open phpmyadmin? Or do I have to install that again too?
I'm working with Ubuntu 16.04 with an HP Laserjet P 1005 printer. Yesterday I upgrade hplib to 3.16.3+repac.
Now it takes a very long time for my printer to process the jobs. And reports that the print job is finished without printing anything at all.
What do I need to do to solve this problem?
I have some problems with a database. I think it might be mysql, my own database is probably mariadb. How can I check that?
I have an old DVD player that works best with AVI format. Now I have strange problem with WinFF. It works most of the time fine. But quite often conversions work fine on my computer, but in my DVD player it stops long before the movie is ended. The original format doesn't matter.
It's not much to go by, but what might be the reason?
Yesterday I installed Koala 64 bit version, the deb from the site. I'm not happy with it and want to remove it. I tried with the software-center, but that doesn't work. I can click on remove, but nothing is removed.
How do I remove it?
My last Firefox upgrade made it into FF 57.0b2. I attempted to remove the software, but instead I completely removed Firefox. Including the hidden files, and the files in /etc and /usr. Restarted Ubuntu. Installed Firefox from the Software center. And once again, 57.0b2 is installed again.
How do I install version 55? On the Mozilla site I can download firefox-55.0.3.tar.bz2, I don't know how to install .bz2 files.
I'm having problems installing WinFF. I can't use the Software center, searching for WinFF gives me 'No Application Found'.
So I installed it manually:
sudo apt-get
sudo apt-get install winff
That works, but I'm stuck with 2 problems. No. 1 is this error message:
Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_realize: assertion 'GTK_WIDGET_ANCHORED (widget) || GTK_IS_INVISIBLE (widget)' failed
And no. 2 is I can only start WinFF from the command line:
sudo /usr/bin/winff
How can I fix the error and get WinFF to work from Unity?
Finally they've got me. I have to upgrade Win 7 to 10. Not happy about it, but I have little choice. I'm running at the moment a dual boot Ubuntu & Win 7. I have to upgrade Ubuntu as well (15 -->16).
My Questions are,
- What's the best way to upgrade both?
- First upgrade Windows, and then upgrade Ubuntu?
- Will that Windows upgrade wipe out Ubuntu?
I want to upgrade Sublime Tex 3, downloaded the deb, but I get the following error:
Breaks existing package 'sublime-text-installer' conflict: sublime-text ()
How do I upgrade Sublime correctly?
I have installed Lamp. Now I would like to remove it and replace it with Xampp. I'm a bit worried about Apache and MySql. Lamp is located in the var folder, Xampp in the opt folder. What's the correct procedure to do that?
After reinstalling 15.1 I have a lot of problems with my permissions. I constantly have to adjust them manually. That means I'm doing it wrong.
Here is what I do:
I create a folder. The permissions are: Owner: Me, Group: Jos (I'm the only user). Both have create and delete files. With those settings Joomla doesn't remove the installation folder. After manually removing it I get the error message:
No configuration file found and no installation code available. Exiting...
Now I use the command:
sudo chown -R www-data:jos /var/www/html/my_site
Owner is now www-data
(create and delete) Group is jos
(create and delete). Installation works fine. Site works. But I can't do anything in it, as I am not the owner. www-data
is, and I have only Access Files permission.
I am using Lamp.
How do I set it correctly?
I installed Sublime 3, and the package manager. Strangely enough it doesn't work. I can't install packages. It worked when I installed it, but after the last Ubuntu upgrade no more. When I go to Package Control > Install Package I see sublime Loading Repositories at the bottom line, but that's it. It stops after a few seconds.
I tried to manually install the package I want, but that doesn't seem to work either, likely because I do something wrong: 1- create the folder (Less) in the opt/sublime_text/packages/Less 2- Paste the files in that folder from https://github.com/danro/Less-sublime
I know I do something completely wrong, but I have no idea what.