I am curious how am I supposed to switch to using the nvidia card on my ubuntu 20.04 setup?
on 18.04 once installed, I could just plug in and go.. seems with 20.04 it is using both iGPU and PCI-E GPU... I see the device is here, I have nvidia-smi
responding with output.. but the ubuntu gnome resolution is only going up to 1920x1080.. telling me it's using the intel iGPU off my core i7 2600K
strangely, after reinstalling.. it now eroneously occupies the GPU even though I only get intel resolutions..
how do I revert so the iGPU is used 100% and the GPU is left freed ?
This solution was given to me and tested via the NVIDIA linux forums
Essentially start the NVIDIA X Server settings:
under PRIME profiles select
next, you need to do the following :
See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters if you're unfamiliar with that step
Try changing the driver in Software & Updates --> Additional Drivers.