I was wondering if there is a way to make GDM3's background a blurred version of the Administrator's current background? I am running Ubuntu 20.04. Someone please help me to do this. I accept programs, shell scripts, and anything else. Thank You!
I was wondering if there is a way to make GDM3's background a blurred version of the Administrator's current background? I am running Ubuntu 20.04. Someone please help me to do this. I accept programs, shell scripts, and anything else. Thank You!
Teseted Condition:
Fresh Install of Ubuntu 20.04
Once you have both the above packages..
Download the script from here
change the username in the script.. like in the below [ Change
with your username ]Change the Desktop Wallpaper and run the script.. Once you are sure that script is working fine..
make the script to run at logout or reboot or at shutdown as per your preference. I have configured to run at logout and you can see changes in the below images, after logout.
Note that conversion of the Image to blur takes few seconds. This caused me a delay of 6 to 8 seconds from the normal logout.
You can tweak what ever blur you need inside the script.
You may find better tools/ways (from the exisiting tool
) to convert the image to blur and change the script as you wish.Result: