Desktop computer, Ubuntu 20.04, Nvidia 440 proprietary driver.
I set my power management via "settings" to turn my monitor off after 8mins and make my computer go on sleep after 1hour.
Those parameters are not always working. Sometimes it works as expected, sometimes my monitor / desktop doesn't turn off at all and keep being awake.
I tried to isolate the issue as much as possible but I cleared off all scenarios. Example: I was thinking first that maybe an app in a background was forcing my desktop to keep awake. I only have 2 apps in background, Chromium and Discord. I tried to do as much combination as possible but actually the issue occurs in whatever scenario ( apps turn off, no discord in background, discord in background ect... ) again, sometimes it goes on sleep, sometimes it just keeps awake for hours ..
My issue is that from a Terminal perspective I don't really know where to look at ? Is there any settings that I could force to apply those settings no matter what ?
Thank you!
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