is there any way to get chromium with vaapi on ubuntu 20.10?? I've tried snap version from candidate/vaapi channel and it does not work now but it worked about a month or so ago.
gpu: intel hd 620
is there any way to get chromium with vaapi on ubuntu 20.10?? I've tried snap version from candidate/vaapi channel and it does not work now but it worked about a month or so ago.
gpu: intel hd 620
According to this article here:
The Chromium Flatpak available on Flathub has VAAPI enabled. I just tested it and it did not work for me though. However maybe it'll work for you. Even if it does not work right now for you, I'd keep an eye on the Flatpak. I left a comment of my experience on their bug tracker here:
If using NVIDIA graphics, I made a GitHub repository which builds the NVDEC-backend and VDPAU-backend VA-API drivers used by Firefox and Chromium-based browsers. There are install scripts for installing Brave, Ungoogled-Chrome (or) Chromium-Beta with VA-API support, and Google Chrome Stable.
Hardware video decode does not work in Ungoogled-Chrome. Though, working wonderfully in Firefox, Brave, Chromium Beta with VA-API support, and Google Chrome.
The repository was developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04.4 running Xorg.