Can someone delete the files in the ring on ubuntu 20.04?
What i tried:
sudo rm -r <file>
rm: cannot remove <file>: No such file or directory
ls /
bin lost+found srv
boot media ''$'\360''(S'$'\364\320''U'
cdrom opt sys
dev proc tmp
etc redirfs usr
home root var
lib run ''$'\310\360''w'$'\370\312''U'
lib32 sbin
lib64 snap
I usually use Midnight Commander to do such things. It's an extremely useful tool, one you couldn't live without ;)
sudo apt-get install mc
to install it.(Also, it's much safer to run Midnigh Commander via sudo than Nautilus)
You could just start nautilus as root in order to have the right to delete the file. In a terminal:
and then rightclick and select "move to trash". Remember to empty the trash before closing the window.