Upgraded from DSL to Cable internet. Previously a 2Wire modem/router was used. Now a Netgear CM500 is the modem and a TP-Link Archer A7 is the router. Machines on the LAN cannot see one another. File sharing does not work.
Upgraded from DSL to Cable internet. Previously a 2Wire modem/router was used. Now a Netgear CM500 is the modem and a TP-Link Archer A7 is the router. Machines on the LAN cannot see one another. File sharing does not work.
Ubuntu systems must have the packages winbind and libnss-winbind and a modification to /etc/nsswitch.conf. The hosts line in /etc/nsswitch.conf needs wins between files and mdns4,it should read:
hosts: files wins mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns
A 2WIRE model/router might be assigning local addresses in a different range (192.168.1.nnn) while the TP-LINK router may be assigning addresses in the range (192.168.0.nnn). Check firewall settings on all the systems of the LAN.
The Ubuntu packages winbind and libnss-winbind are needed for conections associated with Windows systems.
Ubuntu systems on the LAN never were able to resolve local addresses of any other systems so, the local addresses are now hard coded in the /etc/hosts file on each Ubuntu system. The Windows systems are able to resolve local names - this difference I do not have an explaination for.