I have this pc with kubuntu and it gets really slow when I run programs like eclipse or talend. I know those two are memory hogs but I have 6gb ddr3 (it does not say in the list but it's ddr3) and sometimes it's not all occupied and I the computer really slows down.
Also I think there is a problem with apache solr and kubuntu. When I run apache solr, apache uses 5gb of ram. In ubuntu server (with less memory and less cpu power) the same solr queries only make apache take up a few hundred mbs.
Here is the hardware list given by lshw, please tell me if any component is incompatibel with ubuntu: http://pastebin.ca/1995800 (couldn't post it here because it was huge)
java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.1) (6b20-1.9.1-1ubuntu3) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b16, mixed mode)
I am using this java version and it's the same as in my ubuntu server machine which runs apache and solr without a problem.
You have a problem with Java, all the programs you've got issues with are Java projects.
Consider installing a different JVM, if icetea isn't working try sun-jvm. If that isn't doing the trick then try one of the other javavms.
I would recommend using system monitor (gnome) to see which processes are hogging the cpu and then renice them to give them a lower priority. Also, if you use the console I would recomment htop since it's very intuitive to use.
To debug Java memory issue, use JVisualVM to inspect your Java program. There is a great memory profiling tool which can be used to discover what uses lots of memory. JVisualVM is packaged in Ubuntu, and available from the partner repository.