I have this pretty simple set of instructions to restore my themes and icons in ubuntu:
#enable themes on gnome-tweak-tool
cd $current_dir
mkdir -v ~/.{themes,icons}
cp themes/using/*.zip ~/.themes
cp themes/using/icons/*.zip ~/.icons
cd ~/.themes
for i in *.zip; do 7z x $i;done
rm *.zip
cd ~/.icons
for i in *.zip; do 7z x $i;done
rm *.zip
sleep 1
# Alt + f2 > r,
gdbus call --session --dest org.gnome.Shell --object-path /org/gnome/Shell --method org.gnome.Shell.Eval 'Meta.restart(_("Restarting…"))'
# open gnome-tweak-tool and select themes
I'm trying do everything from cli, so then I can add it to a mayor script. But I haven't been able to figure out how to do the first and last steps (commented ones) directly from cli, or if it is possible. Is it? Maybe backing up some config files and then restoring them?
I'm on ubuntu 20.04.
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