I find the man page format extremely painful to write. Is there a GUI (WYSIWYG or WYSIWYM) editor available to make this task easier? I'm hoping for an application that is to man pages as Kompozer is to web pages.
I have tried gmanedit but have found that it is basically just a text editor with some easily available snippets - it is necessary to know the man page format to use it and the editing area is just a text widget.
While I'd prefer software that is in the official Ubuntu repositories, I am OK with using unsupported methods for installation such as PPAs or installing from source.
It is possible to author man pages using DocBook markup and use tools such as docbook2x-man to create troff output. There are some visual ("WYSIWYM"-style) editors available for editing DocBook markup. For example, the GPL-licensed Syntext Serna Free:
Also, doclifter is a utility for converting man pages to DocBook.
This is an addendum to Jukka's suggestion of using docbook with the main reason why I like it other than it's much easier to write and deal with:
You can convert it to .pot files for more easy translation. For example, creating a .pot (language template):
xml2po -o my_program.1.pot my_program.1.xml
Then merging translated files (.po) back into a language specific docbook man page, in this case German:
xml2po -p de.po my_program.xml > my_program.de.xml
Grapse, an HTML5 webapp, was featured on Hacker News 2/3 of a year ago. It includes built-in preview and syntax highlighting.
There is one, ManEdit. However, I don't know if its still active :(