Are you sure you want to close all programs and shut down the computer?
When I click shut down I want to shut down! :) This message bugs me. How to avoid this message?
Are you sure you want to close all programs and shut down the computer?
When I click shut down I want to shut down! :) This message bugs me. How to avoid this message?
11.04 and previous versions of ubuntu
gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/indicator-session/suppress_logout_restart_shutdown true
To re-enable confirmation, replace the keyword
For 12.04 an later
Settings for the indicator session and logout menu are found by running dconf-editor (from dconf-tools
and typegconf-editor
and check items you wantFor 10.04
Use CtrlAltDel, wait 60s or Enter.
No mouse involved - but fastest way I know of.
For 11.10 and later
The above keys shortcut lead to the logout dialog only. To assign a keyboard shortcut to the power off dialog we open
or Keyboard from System Settings... to define a new Custom Shortcut for the command
This will open the following shutdown window:
In case we want CtrlAltDel for this we may have to define another shortcut for System -> Log out first.
If you have Ubuntu Tweak installed you can do this by selecting Session control from the left hand side list and tick the box Suppress the logout, restart and shutdown confirmation dialogue box.
Check this question for Ubuntu tweak installation
For GNOME2 panel (10.04 LTS)
Add Logout Button to GNOME Panel.
This is 1 mouse click to start the 60s shutdown countdown (immediate shutdown involves another mouse clicks).
Open Terminal and type
sudo chmod u+s /sbin/shutdown
Then, from that point forward, any user can just issue the command
in a terminal.For Ubuntu 12.04 (Tested on 12.04, should also work on other versions)
Just open a terminal and run this command:
That's it. To re-enable just change the
.The good thing about this is, You don't need to install dconf-tools, though it is better to install it, which will give you a graphical settings editor called dconf-editor to change many other features
Easy Pease.
Right click application menus.
Edit Menu.
GOTO - System Tools.
Click on "tick box" for the configuration editor.
Applications, System Tools. configuration editor. // Apps - Indicator Session. Click the tick boxes to see exactly what they do and then untick them... and use this one.
Suppress the dialog to confirm logout, restart and shutdown action. Whether or not to show confirmation dialogs for logout, restart and shutdown actions.