Since yesterday I'm unable to start QtCreator. Trying to start QtCreator from terminal gives me this error message, which I haven't found anything on:
qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms/ undefined symbol: _ZN15QPlatformWindow17formatWindowTitleERK7QStringS2_
Any ideas what this is about?
Running Ubuntu 13.04 with qt5-edgers ppa for both Ubuntu SDK and Qt.
Version of QtCreator: 2.7.0-0ubuntu4~raring1~test5
The problem happens rarely but is related to upgrading from for example the archive version of ubuntu-sdk, or maybe some more complex upgrade path. The root problem is currently unknown, but removing and reinstalling Qt 5 seems to work.
Somehow it seemed like I had two Qt versions installed (thanks hakermania). After I've removed all Qt4 stuff and reinstalled Ubuntu SDK and QtCreator (again) it worked.