We have an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machines that is giving errors when I try to run updates.
Specifically, I am getting a load of errors like this:
W: Failed to fetch http://packages.medibuntu.org/dists/precise/non-free/i18n/Translation-en Something wicked happened resolving 'packages.medibuntu.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)
I tried to ping packages.medibuntu.org, and it returns:
ping: unknown host packages.medibuntu.org
It therefore seems to me that sometime in the past, packages have been installed from there, but it has 'gone away'.
Is that diagnosis correct?
If so, how do I identify and 'fix' those packages? Do I have to carefully go through the whole output from 'apt-get upgrade' and uninstall each one? Hope not, but if that's what's required, then okay.
What this means? That you should remove the repositories from your sources.list to prevent errors and look for the packages you needed somewhere else or stick with the old ones that you have installed.
How to remove the repository:
If you want to remove medibuntu as a software source from the command line, edit the sources.list located in /etc/apt/
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
and then just comment out the line(s) that contain medibuntu.