I just installed Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 LTS and have a situation where it 'hangs' after booting up.
It gets to (what I guess is) the end of the boot process, and hangs on a line saying:
cloud-init [1781]: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS,182 - cc_final_message.py[WARNING]: Used fallback datasource
The date and time changes with each boot - not sure if the '182' is part of the timestamp - I think it is, since it also changes each time.
Initially, I could press 'Enter' and it would go to login, but now it is just hanging there, and never gets to login.
I can access the server over SSH no problem, and I cannot see anything that is not working once I am in.
I found these from a while back:
https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2446855 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64486060/cloud-init-not-executing-vra-cloud-config-script
which imply that it is not an issue, but pressing Enter does not get me to the login prompt now which makes me uneasy.
I'm looking for help / suggestions on how to diagnose the issue, and fix it.