I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 LAMP server. The only (in addition to all the standard technical users created by installation) user is "administrator" (should I create more?). I doubt it is correct to place public websites to /home/administrator/public_html/. What is the correct place? I am going to use Apache's Name-based Virtual Host Support to host multiple websites.
That depends a lot on what you think is good.
Personally i have two lamp's running several sites and they use the following setup:
Real life example:
If you use this setup it might be a good idea to alter /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 just prepend lines like this "/var/www/sourcelab.dk/www-log/*.log" to the file.
This will make logrotate rotate the log-files once a week and keep a backlog of 52 times one week. This will help you avoid filling your HDD with logfiles and it helps you if you ever need something from the logfiles. I recently trawled through a 5GB postfix mail logfile... NOT FUN!