I have recently installed Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and I am having trouble using Amazon Instant Video. When I click on a video to play there is no option to play it, it just says that I can play it on a compatible device (kindle, phone,...) is there some package or something that I need to install?
Thanks for any help
I have successfully (I think) implemented the solution below but I still have the same problem.
After following the below I get:
nathan@nathan-S400CA:~$ sudo mkdir /etc/hal/fdi/preprobe
[sudo] password for nathan:
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/hal/fdi/preprobe’: File exists
nathan@nathan-S400CA:~$ sudo mkdir /etc/hal/fdi/information
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/etc/hal/fdi/information’: File exists
nathan@nathan-S400CA:~$ /usr/sbin/hald --daemon=yes --verbose=yes
18:56:04.123 [I] hald.c:672: hal 0.5.14
18:56:04.123 [I] hald.c:673: using child timeout 250s
18:56:04.123 [I] hald.c:685: Will daemonize
18:56:04.123 [I] hald.c:686: Becoming a daemon
nathan@nathan-S400CA:~$ rm -rf ~/.adobe
You need this flash plug in
Here is a post with more information LINK Post number 3
If after a reboot it wont work then copy paste this to a terminal, ONE LINE AT A TIME
Do not be worried by these commands enter them one at a time and tell me of any errors ,reboot when you are finished.
OK If this is not working for you we will try another way, open terminal run one at a time
If a Microsoft core fonts licence screen comes up, first perss the tab key and then enter.
next run this command (this undoes what we first tried)
And finally
You could reboot here don't think you need to up to you.
Open your web browser and go to your video, the browser shoud automaticly try to download a plug in, give it permission if you have to.
When it is installed close your browser then open it again and it should work
To get silverlight close the browser
Open the browser go to the video and the plug in will install then restart the browser.