I'm used to this Windows behavior that using CTRL+SHIFT+Cursor Keys I can select text word-wise. CTRL+Cursor Keys jumps word-wise and I use that a lot in combination with SHIFT to select text.
This seems to be a "Windows thing" because it just works in all application. Now turning to Ubuntu 10.04, it doesn't work. CTRL+SHIFT+Cursor Keys just behaves like CTRL+Cursor Keys, i.e. I jump between the words but I can't select them that way.
Another gotcha: I use CTRL+Cursor Keys to move fast between words, press down SHIFT, release CTRL and move the Cursor Keys to select text char by char and it doesn't work either. I need to release both keys complete.
Is there a way to enable this?
Found the problem: in Windows I use multiple keyboard layouts and I use CTRL+SHIFT to switch between them. I configured the same for Ubuntu however I'm experiencing a clash here obviously.
That said, Windows is smarty enough to figure out by analyzing which keys I press over time what I want. Ubuntu isn't: once I pressed CTRL+SHIFT, not matter what additional keys, it switched the keyboard layout and for some reason this interrupted the selection option. Too bad.
I have the same problem. Discovered that it's 11 years old bug in XOrg.
Here is Ubuntu's bug discussion started in 2006: https://bugs.launchpad.net/xorg-server/+bug/36812
I had the same problem in Firefox/Chrome/gEdit. Maddening! This fixed it:
System -> Keyboard Input Methods -> Layouts tab -> Options... -> Misc. compat. options -> Shift w/ numeric keypad keys works as in MS Windows
In Chrome / Firefox, if you select text starting with Ctrl+Arrow to highlight at least one block, then you can Ctrl+Shift+Arrow to select by word.