I would like to install Google Earth under Ubuntu 10.10. Under v10.04 there were some problems. Has anyone been able to get it working satisfactorily? Was Wine used?
I would like to install Google Earth under Ubuntu 10.10. Under v10.04 there were some problems. Has anyone been able to get it working satisfactorily? Was Wine used?
Here are some methods to install google earth :
Method 1: Medibuntu Medibuntu offers a Google Earth package for Ubuntu 10.04. You can download and install it here. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select your system type (i386/32 bit, amd64/64 bit) to start the download. Double-click on the downloaded package to open the Package Installer, and click Install Package.
Start Google Earth from Applications->Internet->Google Earth.
Method 2: googleearth-package If the Medibuntu package is out of date or unavailable, you can create your own package with an easy script. The Ubuntu repositories offer a script which can create an easy to install Google Earth package for you.
Open Ubuntu Software Center and install googleearth-package. Open Applications->Accessories->Terminal Type the command: make-googleearth-package --force Wait for the script to build your package. This could take a minute or two depending on the speed of your computer and your Internet connection. At the end you should see: Success! You can now install the package with e.g. sudo dpkg -i .deb You should now have a Google Earth package waiting in your home folder. Open Places->Home Folder, find the package named googleearth_VERSION_ARCH.deb, double-click to open the Package Installer, and click Install Package. Start Google Earth from Applications->Internet->Google Earth. If you’re having trouble, check out the Ubuntu Community Documentation on Google Earth. I’ve also written previously about installing Google Earth using the installer from Google.
Adapted from Google Earth Installation
Use this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth
5.2 (the one pulled in by the package and the default download on Google's site) is broken on a lot of hardware. If that's the problem you're having, 5.1 works fine. Choose 5.1 from "advanced setup" on this page: http://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/agree.html
You could install it directly from Google's own repository. Instructions on setting up that repository for 10.04 are here: http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/ubuntu1004.html
OK, So I am answering my own question here. Google earth didn't play very nice on v10.04, but there at least was a mediubuntu package for that version. There isn't a v10.10 package available.
So to get GoogleEarth working, you will need to add something to the software sources.
After doing that click here to automatically install this package.
I tried many things, and this was the option that actually worked. GoogleEarth looks great now!