I tried to install Tor on my new version of Ubuntu, but it seems that Tor is not available in the repositories.
How else can I install and use Tor?
I tried to install Tor on my new version of Ubuntu, but it seems that Tor is not available in the repositories.
How else can I install and use Tor?
If you want to anonymously browse the internet using the Tor network
If you want to anonymously do other things using the Tor network
As of 2014-02-13, The Tor Project's Ubuntu installation page says:
Step Two of "Tor on Linux/Unix" instructions:
Surf the web anonymously
If you just want to browse the web anonymously or access .onion domains (so-called hidden services), the recommended and simplest way is to use the Tor Browser Bundle:
If you need maximum privacy and don't want to leave any trace of a Tor installation on your computer, download, burn and boot the Live CD system Tails.
Torify any application
Only when you want to torify any other application (Instant messenger, Bitcoin client, etc.), you need to follow this procedure.
You can add the repository, download and install Tor on Ubuntu by executing the following commands in a Terminal:
Now you can start Tor by pressing Alt+F2 and entering
. Applications that support a proxy can now be set up to use addresslocalhost
, port9050
as a SOCKS proxy.Custom web browser and proxy setup
If you still want to torify your existing browser with stand-alone Tor and surf anonymously, you can install polipo
Set the browser proxy settings to
and port8123
. Check if the settigns are correct by visiting https://check.torproject.org. Keep in mind that the Tor Browser Bundle is still the best option to surf the web anonymously because it uses a custom-built version of Firefox.Add this line:
to the
file, usingsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
.Also, I find it easier to just download the tor browser bundle and unpack it. You get manual updates, but it informs you when there's a new version.
On the installation instruction page of
you will find what you need to do, here are the instructions.Enter the folloing commands in a terminal of your choice. (
ctrl + alt + T
as standard)This procedure is the same for every version, but you need to edit the source line with your release name. The currently supported releases are:
Ubuntu 13.04 is "raring"
Ubuntu 12.10 is "quantal"
Ubuntu 12.04 is "precise"
Ubuntu 11.10 is "oneiric"
Ubuntu 11.04 is "natty"
Ubuntu 10.04 is "lucid"
add the source. by editing the source list. add the line that starts with deb. change RELEASENAME to what release you are on.
add the keys
update the system and install tor.
You must add the ppa to the repositories.
For 32bit OS
For 64 bit OS
And now you should update, to load a the updated repository list
And now you can install your tor-browser
Tor Browser (torbrowser-launcher) is available in the default Ubuntu repositories in Ubuntu 16.04 and later. torbrowser-launcher handles downloading the most recent version of Tor Browser Bundle for you, in your language and for your architecture. After installing Tor Browser, it can be launched by searching for tor in the Dash and clicking the Tor Browser icon. The Tor Browser Launcher Settings app is also installed along with Tor Browser.
Unfortunately the Tor Browser developers change their signing key that is used to install Tor Browser at periodic intervals which makes the torbrowser-launcher package from the default Ubuntu repositories not work because it is not as up-to-date as the current version of Tor Browser.
These are the instructions from the official Tor Browser User Manual in case the Ubuntu torbrowser-launcher package hasn't updated the gpg key that is required to install Tor Browser. When I updated the Tor Browser Developers signing key I noticed that the key that I updated will expire in less than one year.
Install Tor Browser
Navigate to the Tor Browser download page.
Download the GNU/Linux .tar.xz file
(Recommended) Verify the file's signature. The steps for verifying the file's signature are shown below.
When the download is complete, extract the archive with the command
tar -xf [TB archive]
or with the Archive Manager.Navigate to the newly extracted Tor Browser directory. Right-click on start-tor-browser.desktop, open Properties and change the permission to Allow executing file as program by clicking the checkbox.
Start Tor Browser from the command line by running:
Set a keyboard shortcut to start Tor Browser
Remember the location where you downloaded the tor-browser-linux64-xx.x.xx_xx-xx.tar.xz archive. In this example I will call this location
which is the default location of the Downloads directory in Ubuntu if you replaceyour-username
by your own user name.Remember the directory where you extracted the Tor Browser files. In this example I will call this directory
where en is the abbreviation for the language and US is the abbreviation for the nation which could be different depending on your language and nation.Go to Settings -> Keyboard -> View and Customize Shortcuts -> Set Custom Shortcut.
In the field after Name type Tor Browser.
In the field after Command type:
sh -c '"/home/your-username/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser" --detach || ([ ! -x "/home/your-username/Downloads/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/start-tor-browser" ] && "$(dirname "$*")"/Browser/start-tor-browser --detach)' dummy %k
In order to fill in an entry in the field after Shortcut press any easy to remember keyboard shortcut combination (e.g. Ctrl + Alt +B).
Now you can start Tor Browser by pressing Ctrl + Alt +B.
How to verify Tor Browser's signature
Fetching the Tor Developers key
The Tor Browser team signs Tor Browser releases. Import the Tor Browser Developers signing key (0xEF6E286DDA85EA2A4BA7DE684E2C6E8793298290):
This should show you something like:
After importing the key, you can save it to a file (identifying it by fingerprint here):
Verifying the signature
To verify the signature of the package you downloaded, you will need to download the corresponding ".asc" signature file as well as the installer file itself, and verify it with a command that asks GnuPG to verify the file that you downloaded.
The example below assumes that you downloaded these two files to your Downloads folder.
The result of the command should produce something like this:
The latest release of Tor can be found on the download page. We have packages for Debian, Red Hat, Gentoo, *BSD, etc there too. If you're using Ubuntu, don't use the default packages: use our deb repository instead. Similarly, CentOS / Fedora / OpenSUSE users should use our rpm repository instead.
If you're building from source, first install libevent, and make sure you have openssl and zlib (including the -devel packages if applicable). Then run:
tar xzf tor-; cd tor-
./configure && make
Now you can run tor as src/or/tor, or you can run make install (as root if necessary) to install it into /usr/local/, and then you can start it just by running tor.
Tor comes configured as a client by default. It uses a built-in default configuration file, and most people won't need to change any of the settings. Tor is now installed.
Please pay attention to the warning in bold
The advised method of installing:
add this line to your
file:where you put the codename of your distribution (i.e. lenny, sid, maverick or whatever it is) in place of . Then add the gpg key used to sign the packages by running the following commands at your command prompt:
Now refresh your sources, running the following command at your command prompt:
If there are no errors you're good to continue. We provide a Debian package to help you keep our signing key current. It is recommended you use it. Install it using
To finally install Tor just run:
Now Tor is installed and running. Move on to step two of the "Tor on Linux/Unix" instructions.
Run Tor Bundle 'Portable'
You can run tor without installing it (yeah, someone could consider this off topic here).
Download the latest version of tor from the website and open the signature of the file
Now you will see the PGP signature, save it on the same place than the Tor bundle
Then open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T), go to the folder where Tor has been saved and check its integrity with this command:
gpg --verify filname.tar.xz.asc
If you get a message that says "Good signature" means that your Tor is a good copy.
Now extract it, open the folder, click on
and run!Install from Terminal:
Note: If you installed older version of Tor-Browser, in first you must clear the old .tor-browser-en folder from home folder. You can clear it by using following command:
Then use following commands to install tor from Terminal:
Now open dash and type "Tor", click on and use.
Tor browser Ubuntu PPA
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/tor
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install tor-browser
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:upubuntu-com/tor64
Always needed the command:
Run from dash or terminal