I've got 2 subs in 2 different languages for a video. One is synced, the other has all the right lines but wrong timing [NOT fixed nor progressive delay]: the easiest thing would be changing the timings of the latter with the ones from the former, kind of copy paste time codes. Which subtitles editor for Ubuntu has the capabilities to accomplish/would be more suited for this task?
EDIT: Unfortunately there's no fixed delay, such that moving the subs by a certain amount of time could do it. They are simply wrongly synced (and that doesn't have to do with framerate either). I need an editor which can kind of copy and paste the "timing" column beside the "text" column
EDIT 2: please people be civilised and read before marking as a duplicate. I'm not looking for a general sub editor, I'm looking for one with a particular feature NOT even mentioned in the question you would like to redirect me to. If it was, would you be able to point that out? Sorry for any misunderstanding I might have created, I'm only looking for an answer, which unfortuntely is something I haven't got so far
FOR ANYONE WITH THE SAME ISSUE stumbling upon this question, the answer to what I was looking for is in the thread posted by smurfendrek123, containing nice programs that will help you (under Wine) to achieve copy-paste of timings: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/346020-Program-to-replace-timecode-in-srt-with-timecode-from-another-srt
In vlc you can delay or speed up the subtitles by a set time.
For more software recommendations: check this thread: What apps to sync movie subtitles easily are available for Ubuntu?
Also have a look at this thread: http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/346020-Program-to-replace-timecode-in-srt-with-timecode-from-another-srt