How to configure Synaptics circular/chiral scrolling to make smaller circles?
In Windows I can use circular/Chiral scrolling by drawing very small circles (green circles) but in Ubuntu/Linux I have to make big circles to makes it work. Otherwise the page keep going up and down.
The smaller your circle is, the faster will go the scrolling.
The thing is: the circle center is always locked to the central point of the trackpad, so you should move your finger relative to this. Otherwise, you're just moving at the same side back and forth, as the finger must go to the other side relative to the center for the scrolling direction to be kept.
The smaller your circle is, the faster will go the scrolling.
The thing is: the circle center is always locked to the central point of the trackpad, so you should move your finger relative to this. Otherwise, you're just moving at the same side back and forth, as the finger must go to the other side relative to the center for the scrolling direction to be kept.