On the device is installed through MinimalCD only linux-generic kernel, and some restricted modules, following the steps from Installation/LowMemorySystems with Fluxbox window manager the only installed environment.
The right click and the mouse for the touch screen are working normally. Tell me please is there any way to enable right click on the touch screen?
Best regards.
Easystroke allows gesture-based actions. You can configure it so when you, say, draw a circle, it right-clicks. I find it to work well.
To install it, go to Ubuntu Software and type 'easystroke' into the search bar. You can install it from there.
It seems the Linux Kernel after 4.8.6 has nice touch integration added for touchscreens. Of course, your hardware is probably different from the three types mentioned in this answer. I recently booted the Nov. 20 release of Antergos on my Dell Inspiron i5378-2885GRY 13.3" FHD 2-in-1 Laptop. There were a lot of features available that were not there with the 4.4 kernel in 16.04. On the kernel version of the Antergos live USB (It was above 4.8.6. Not sure exactly which version it was.), onscreen scrolling works, zoom in/out works, right clicking, and probably other features I am not aware of yet. When I booted the 16.10 iso with the 4.8.0 kernel more features were available compared to a 16.04 kernel version. It seems the 4.8.0 kernel added support for the Surface 3. However, using the 4.8.6+ kernel has added the most functionality for me.
How to get the latest kernel is beyond the scope of this answer. You can try installing the 16.10 kernel (probably with partially better results). You could compile the kernel from source. You could use Arch or an Arch based distribution. I however, will plan to install Debian testing Gnome on the new laptop.