I use Ubuntu 16.04.1. Lenovo Ideapad 310-14ISK.
All of a sudden, there's no Internet connection.
After restarting my computer 3 or 4 times and restarting the WiFi,
and after typing sudo service network-manager restart
- nothing worked.
What should I do?
Help much appreciated. Thank you.
apt-get install --reinstall network-manager
– Nothing happenedsudo service network-manager status
– Loaded and Active (running) with a few lines indicating the datesudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager-gnome
Then I tried to install WICD. I followed everything and ultimately the Network Manager has disappeared altogether after restarting the computer, and I cannot possibly reinstall it.
UPDATE: Now there's WiFi, but there's no indication for the networks. Now I need to somehow reinstall Network Manager offline.
(apt-get install --reinstall network-manager) Should reinstall said program