I was wondering if you would know a way to integrate audacious in the sound menu, just like banshee. The plugin inside audacious to put a status icon doesn't seem to do it.
I was wondering if you would know a way to integrate audacious in the sound menu, just like banshee. The plugin inside audacious to put a status icon doesn't seem to do it.
It will, but I don't know how many more months or years it will take.Audacious project lead said:
Right now, IT DOES! Audacious 3.2 supports the Sound Menu.
I contacted the developers on IRC in 2010, I reported the bug on Launchpad and upstream.
Finally, today's Git version features a basic MPRIS 2 plugin enabled by default that works with the Ubuntu Sound Menu: http://redmine.audacious-media-player.org/issues/14#note-7
You need to use Audacious 3.2 (currently in beta stage), that has the built-in support for the MPRIS 2 protocol needed for Sound Menu integration.
After looking around for a bit, I couldn't find any plugins for that functionality.
However, the sound indicator does let you change Audacious' volume! :D (not that exciting I know).
I would recommend getting in contact with the developers of Audacious and encouraging them to make it utilize the sound menu in Ubuntu.
It's only a matter of time 'till it happens! :)
I started writing the plugin.
It correctly registers Audacious in the sound menu but the playback control buttons still don't have any effect.
You can install Audacious v3.2 beta from a PPA which works with sound menu integration out of the box. http://ubuntucafe.blogspot.com/2012/01/install-audacious-32-beta-in-ubuntu.html