I followed the instructions from TechApple on how to install an android emulator. I followed all the steps, restarted the pc, but now I still cannot have my android avd
command recognized.
The very top of my ~/.bashrc
file is :
export PATH=${PATH}:~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools
The error I get is :
alex@alex:~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools$ android avd
android: command not found
What do I have to do next in order to get my emulator working?
In order to run emulator from terminal you need to -
This will show all emulators. To choose your emulator -
On Linux, if you want to run a program that's located in the same folder you're in, you have to use ./ in front of the file name.
Just type
./android avd
followed by the rest of the parameters if any.