I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
On my system tray on upper top right corner where the date is located, the date is showing শুক্ র instead of শুক্র. And time as 11:23:27 অপরাণ্ হ instead of অপরাহ্ন. So, complex words are showing separated.
I ran
fc-match -a | grep -i beng
Output came:
Lohit-Bengali.ttf: "Lohit Bengali" "Regular"
You can raise the precedence of the Lohit Bengali font by adding this configuration file:
Create the directory:
Open the new document for editing:
Copy the above (as from "
<?xml version="1.0"?>
") and paste it into the document.Save.
Hopefully it will result in a difference after next reboot.