I am having trouble installing the free version of LogicalDoc, using the instructions in the text file and on their wiki. I've downloaded the .zip, but unzipping it is proving problematic. The unzip command returns an error:
$ unzip logicaldoc-community-installer-7.6.4.zip unzip: cannot find or open logicaldoc-community-installer-7.6.4.zip, logicaldoc-community-installer-7.6.4.zip.zip or logicaldoc-community-installer-7.6.4.zip.ZIP.
I also tried unzipping it w/o using the terminal, but then the next instruction (Execute the command /Library/tomcat/bin/catalina.sh start to run LogicalDOC + Tomcat application server.) doesn't work either because no directory has been created. Also, following the .txt instructions doesn't work:
$ sudo java -jar logicaldoc-installer.jar [sudo] password for jen: Error: Unable to access jarfile logicaldoc-installer.jar
- JDK8 installed properly.
- Here is the link to the text file instructions: http://paste.ubuntu.com/24401948/
I suggest you to try with version 7.7.1 of LogicalDOC Community https://sourceforge.net/projects/logicaldoc/files/distribution/LogicalDOC%20CE%207.7/logicaldoc-community-installer-7.7.1.zip/download
Note: you need an Ubuntu with a Desktop (GUI), because that is a graphical installer. If you doesn't have one, add the parameter -console to the command
See also the installation of LogicalDOC Enterprise on Ubuntu https://youtu.be/Al2Pi5e1wi0
Or else https://www.unixmen.com/setup-logicaldoc-ubuntu-15-04/