so I recently started my computer (probably after a round of sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade
commands and a reboot-- I use apt-get to upgrade irregularly so I'm not sure if I updated last night), and I have two displays. The second display, my 1920x1080p television, does not display in the correct resolution anymore, after this (update?). I have to scale it down to 1366x768 or my dashtodock, and my top GNOME bar on my secondary screen will be cut off from my view. Seeing as how I mainly use my TV for media and game consumption, this really irks me. I don't want to have to wait for another update to watch/play things on my TV at a decent resolution, and there is NO WAY I'm booting into my Windows harddisk. I was wondering if, with my limited knowledge of this issue, and my gnome extensions, there was an easy fix.
P.S. I've rebooted once, didn't help a thing.
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