So I have looked this up and can only find solutions for older versions of Gnome.
Everywhere quotes this as the solution:
xdg-mime default nemo.desktop inode/directory application/x-gnome-saved-search
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-icons false
gsettings set org.nemo.desktop show-desktop-icons true
Which worked on on older versions of Gnome (such as the version available with Ubuntu 16.04LTS) but so far nothing is working on the most recent. I would like to replace Nautilus with Nemo, allowing Nemo to produce desktop icons (home folder and rubbish bin) as well as being able to drag my cursor along the desktop to highlight things.
My current Ubuntu version is 17.10 Gnome 3.26.1 Nemo 3.4.7 Nautilus 3.26.0
I have had no luck on both Wayland and Xorg.
Thanks in advance to any comments and solutions.
Setting up Nemo in 17.10:
To set Nemo as the default file manager simply run in a terminal:
To also set Nemo to handle the desktop run this command to unset Nautilus from handling the desktop:
Then open Startup Applications and click Add. In the pop up window use any Name you wish and use this as the Command:
Click Add, then log out and log in again or reboot (many times
requires a reboot).