David Siegel Asked: 2010-07-29 12:14:39 +0800 CST2010-07-29 12:14:39 +0800 CST 2010-07-29 12:14:39 +0800 CST Will Haskell Platform be available in 10.10? 772 I've been waiting for a couple years to be able to do an apt-get install haskell-platform on Ubuntu. Will a haskell platform-package be available on Ubuntu 10.10? 10.10 haskell 2 Answers Voted Best Answer lfaraone 2010-07-29T12:18:45+08:002010-07-29T12:18:45+08:00 Yes, it's already packaged and released in maverick (the development branch of Ubuntu): $ rmadison haskell-platform haskell-platform | 2010. | maverick/universe | source, all andol 2010-07-29T12:17:56+08:002010-07-29T12:17:56+08:00 Yes https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-platform
Yes, it's already packaged and released in
(the development branch of Ubuntu):Yes