Esperanto uses the letter Ŭ. Compose, Shift+9, a = ă, but Compose, Shift+9, u = u.
How do I type this with the compose key? If that is not possible, what is the next easiest way to type it?
Esperanto uses the letter Ŭ. Compose, Shift+9, a = ă, but Compose, Shift+9, u = u.
How do I type this with the compose key? If that is not possible, what is the next easiest way to type it?
I tried everything I could find in the following links:
How can I enable Compose key?
However, I still could not get the compose key working on my freshly installed Ubuntu 20.04.
I use the english (US) keyboard layout, but I need to be able to type Umlauts with the compose key. In Ubuntu 18.04 and 16.04 it worked just fine and I mapped set and used the super key without any problems.
In 20.04 I tried different keys but none of them worked.
The output from gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources
xkb-options ['compose:rwin', 'eurosign:e', 'esperanto:qwerty']
however sudo vim /etc/dconf/db/local.d/00-input-sources
contains compose:ralt
When I edit my ~/.XCompose file, I need to reboot Ubuntu 16.04 for the changes to take effect. Is there a way to tell Ubuntu to reload the definitions in the file without doing a full reboot?
Now that Unity is gone, the usual way of setting a Compose Key (via Keyboard Preferences > Layout) no longer works (because in Ubuntu 18.04, Devices > Keyboard has no Layout tab).
How do we set a Compose Key in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver?
I have quite a few custom compose key sequences. I know I can get them working with an ~/.XCompose
and switching the input method to xim
. However, Sublime Text 2 doesn't accept any compose key sequences when I'm using xim
. It does accept them when I'm using the default input method. I think I reported this bug for Sublime Text 2 a while ago.
Using the default input method, I added the contents of my ~/.XCompose
to /usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose
but this did not change anything. Is there any way I can get the compose key sequences in my ~/.XCompose
to work without relying on xim