When exporting as pdf from libre writer, I end up with:
As you can see, the parts that I put them using insert -> formula, disappears partially. Why?
I installed Sushi to be able to preview files. However, when I try to preview OpenDocument files, the entire system freezes. Why do OpenDocument files do this, and are there any alternatives that do not have this issue?
This might be an odd question, but I like to know how to make file-roller except odt files to be opened.
I am working pretty much with odt files as templates. I need to open them quite often and look into the containing xml files for some nerdy developer reasons.
In the past (12.04 and before) file-roller would open odt files without problem (since they are simple zip compressed files with an other ending). In 14.04 and 16.04 I had to do some magic (I do not recall) via gconf-editor to make file-roller open those odt files without renaming them to a .zip ending.
Now I am on 18.04 and there is not much configuration left in gconf and I cannot find anything related in dconf either.
So could somebody please enlighten me on how file-roller determines that ".odt" is a not-supported fileytype or a solution on how to teach file-roller to open my odt files without renaming them beforehand.
I already tried to add odt to the zip section in /etc/mime.types, but this does not seem to have any impact on file-roller.
Many thx for any hints into the right direction.
[UPDATE] @clearkimura
I use Nemo, but same with nautilus.