I'm following the upgrade instructions on Ubuntu's website, but on launching the upgrade tool I get this response:
Checking for a new ubuntu release
No new release found
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround?
I'm following the upgrade instructions on Ubuntu's website, but on launching the upgrade tool I get this response:
Checking for a new ubuntu release
No new release found
Am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround?
What are the different ways I can use to upgrade Ubuntu from one release to another?
I just installed a new version of Ubuntu and I want to roll it back to the previous version.
How can I do that? Is that even possible?
I've been running Alpha releases of Ubuntu for some time now. I keep running into issues - how can I get these resolved? What should I do when I encounter these problems? And where can I find other Ubuntu+1 users to ask questions?
I installed some version of Ubuntu on my VMware, but I don't know what version exactly it is. How can I find it out?