I have Ubuntu Studio 19.04 installed recently. I am trying to revive my installation of vim. I installed it thru apt-get, and and have installed Vundle. The problem is now, I have no useable plugins. It appears to crap out on the :PluginSearch colon command, so that Vundle can't list or install plugins. Below are the messages that was flashed on my instance of vim when I tried PluginSearch. I managed to catch "flashed" error message on video and took a screenshot of a frame from the video.
A split second after that message, I was returned to a split window, which had an empty plugin list, but below it said "1 plugins found".
I tried to go online to see how to solve this, but no one had quite this error, and no provided solution resulting in overcoming the plugin installation problem, after hours trying them.
If anyone can offer suggestions, such as what parts of Vundle these errors are coming from, and possible workarounds, I would appreciate it.
Flashed error messages follow:
Error detected while processing function vundle#scripts#all[3]..<SNR>31_load_scripts:
Line 7:
E15: Invalid exression: <html>^M
E15: Invalid exression: <html>^M
Error detected while processing function vundle#scripts#all:
Line 10:
E686: Argument of reverse() must be a list
Error detected while processing function vundle#scripts#all[10]..vundle#scripts#view:
Line 1:
E712: Argument of map() must be a list or Dictionary
Error detected while processing function vundle#scripts#all[10]..vundle#scripts#view:
Line 15:
E745: Using a List as a Number
E116: Invalid arguments for function append
Paul King