I am new to Ubuntu, I have installed it recently, but my battery is showing 0% with an exclaimation mark although my laptop is fully charged. Please help me out.
Adeena Lathiya's questions
Recently I updated my Ubuntu, my wifi connections were not showing up. Then I used a command
sudo apt-get autoremove
to set it right. This worked for me until today. I am getting no connections.
Even now, whenever I update any packages, my wifi connection gets disturbed.
Then all I do is turn off my laptop for a day or two, then it works fine suddenly. Isn't there any permanent solution to this?
I even tried this command: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/c/curl/curl_7.58.0-2ubuntu3.8_amd64.deb , but nothing seemed to work, ofcourse it was not fetching the source due to no connection
I am trying to use this command to see the running status of my port, but I am getting this error in a loop. Kindlly help!