I've enjoyed various music players through Ubuntu. From Clementine, Rhythmbox, cantata, Elisa, Rollypop, DeaDBeef... there are many useful, gorgeous, powerful and even light-weighted music players. These have too enriched features to me.
Yet, I didn't meet a music player that fulfills a single missing feature that I need.
I just want to find a player that saves certain changes in the playlist(add/remove/move up and down etc) by me, immediately to the playlist file(using relative path), like Google docs save the change immediately to the doc files in the cloud.
Until now, the "Juk" was the closest to my needs. It can handle many playlists at the same time and save the changes to the file by "just push Ctrl+s". Although saving is not done automatically, It's quite comfortable. But It didn't use the relative path.
Others like Exaile, Quod Libet(with playlist add-on) were good. But the procedure of saving(exporting) to m3u8 file is very troublesome.
If anyone has information about the music player that satisfies this missing part, please let me know.