I am on Ubuntu 20.04. My GNOME Shell is at version 3.36.4. I am using GNOME Tweaks to show files on the desktop.
An example of what works: In Terminal, I type cp /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Terminal.org ~/Desktop
. On the desktop (NOT from Nautilus), I right-click the icon of a gear on a paper sheet with the caption org.gnome.Terminal.…
and there is Allow Launching
. I click that menu entry and the icon is changed to Terminal's icon and the caption now says Terminal
What doesn't work: I create a file under ~/Desktop
with the name Reboot-into-Text-Mode.desktop
. I edit the file so that it reads
Name=Reboot into Text Mode
Exec=pkexec /opt/scripts/kexec-text
From Terminal, I run chmod +x ~/Desktop/Reboot-into-Text-Mode.desktop. When I right click the corresponding icon on the desktop (NOT from Nautilus), I am given a context menu that does NOT contain
Allow Launching`. I want to be able to run this command by clicking a desktop shortcut and not just from the terminal.
How can I make my .desktop
file launchable? Why can't I make it launchable when I was able to make Terminal's .desktop
file launchable?