I have Ubuntu 20.04. as host, with 5 virtual machines:
- Ubuntu 20.04.
- Ubuntu 22.04.
- Ubuntu 24.04.
- Fedora 39
- Fedora 40
In each I have set:
<filesystem type="mount" accessmode="passthrough">
<driver type="path" wrpolicy="immediate"/>
<source dir="/mnt/sda1/VM_data"/>
<target dir="VM_data"/>
<address type="pci" domain="0x0000" bus="0x06" slot="0x00" function="0x0"/>
In each VM, I did set:
/VM_data /home/<user>/host_data 9p trans=virtio,rw,_netdev 0 0
to /etc/fstab
All VMs correctly show directory in specified path, except Ubuntu 24.04. For some reason I can't make it work in Ubuntu 24.04. I see just empty directory in VM, and whatever I write to the folder doesn't appear in host and vice versa. The directory doesn't seem to be "shared".
Can someone help me how to make the directory appear in my VM with data in host and make "sharing" work properly?