If I haven't got /etc/init.d/postgresql
file in what package could I find it?
fl00r's questions
In my previous question I was asking about setting up vpnc connection. I've installed network-manager-vpnc
so now I can configure all this stuff right from network manager gui.
I have got this pretty picture from related topic:
So the question is how to figure out what Address, Netmask and Gateway should I use to pass ONLY this trafic through vpn.
As a basis I have got an ip and a port of the external service which I want to use through vpnc. So inernet and other traffic should go as always through ethernet or wifi.
- External ip:
- Port: 1433 (this is sql server actually)
I am connecting to vpnc which breaks my internet connection. I understand, that this is because all my traffic is forwarding to vpnc now, so the problem is about routing.
So, how can I manage my routes so only one port (1433) will use vpnc and all other connection won't pass traffic through vpn
I am looking for PSD files viewer. Gimp is too fat for this job. I need something fast and light.
I accidently ran
sudo chmod 755 -R /
instead of
sudo chmod 755 -R ./
I stopped it after few seconds, but now there is some problems such as
sudo: must be setuid root
How can I revert permissions back?
I try to use
apt-cache search gedit
But there is no information about version.
I am trying to install gedit 2.30.4 (by default it is 3.x on Gnome 3). But there is no gedit with this version.
sudo apt-get install gedit=2.30.4
#=> Error
So how can I figure out which versions are in repo?
I am on Ubuntu 10.10 and each time I boot my OS it asks me to if I want to update to 11.04. I click "yeah, why not". It downloads 2 files, asks my password and that's all. Nothing happens.
Ok, I've ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
and get downloadings and settings and after few seconds it stops after
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
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