I tried restarting, changing settings, etc, but as you can see, it is still in English.
Edit: I downloaded the source for indicator-datetime; from what I can see, the problem may be deeper. GTK?
I tried restarting, changing settings, etc, but as you can see, it is still in English.
Edit: I downloaded the source for indicator-datetime; from what I can see, the problem may be deeper. GTK?
I'm looking at a web application that needs ACLs enabled. Are there any benchmarks or other documents to show what potential impact ACL does{n't} have when the file system is under heavy load?
Also, does it matter what filesystem you use with ACLs?
I always like to test new config files before deploying them--with tools like apachectl configtest
and named-checkconf
It's rare that mistakes crop up, but catching them before deployment eliminates any impact. The one that has bit me in the backside several times is /etc/network/interfaces
; I can't seem to find a tool to test it, and restarting the network on a remote machine only to discover it's no longer reachable is quite annoying--especially when we use a lot of bonding and bridging.
With resolvconf, dig always shows the loopback address. Is there anyway to see which server is actually answering?
I'm getting new VMs built for development and staging environments, and was wondering whether there are compelling reasons for or against using the linux-virtual package on all of these images.
Do the -virtual kernels have different tuning? Do they have tools that make the suspend/wake-up better/safer?
Every time I install Netbeans on Ubuntu, I have to edit the ./etc/netbeans.conf file to include an option specifying the look and feel; otherwise, the menus are all black on dark gray, which is impossible to use.
Is there a way to specify a global look and feel for swing apps, so that this isn't such a pain? Here is the line I have to change:
46: netbeans_default_options="-J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true"
46: netbeans_default_options="--laf com.sun.java.swing.plaf.nimbus.NimbusLookAndFeel -J-client -J-Xss2m -J-Xms32m -J-XX:PermSize=32m -J-Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -J-Dsun.zip.disableMemoryMapping=true"
Is it possible to use the same tool to have Ubuntu guess what timezone it is currently in?
This article mentions the feature I'm looking for (just above the second pic): http://www.linuxforu.com/2012/05/ubuntu-12-04-precise-pangolin-review/
I was hoping to get a MySQL cluster up and running on 12.04, but for some reason, the package is marked deleted, and there is no alternative. I also trying searching for the ndb_mgm command, and there are no suggested packages.
Did it get yanked for a licensing reason? compatibility?
Is there any way to run a cluster on Precise short of building from sources? Does that even work?
I have an a few machines that I was planning to run in a cluster, but have decided after some testing to configure them differently. The partitions and Ubuntu install are still as I want them, but it would be nice to have them back to a clean state without having to re-install them all.
With the plethora of possibilities for most command-line tools, I would be surprised to learn that there is no way to colorize the info that apt-get, apt-cache, and related tools return. Even so, Googling was fruitless in this.
Primarily, it would be nice to have the summary lines that show total count/size, and color-code each type of action count: eg, upgrades in blue, installs in green, held in yellow, and removed in red.
I have docbook2pdf
installed, but it seems a bit wasteful to always need to delete and re-create the .PDF file when the source changes. Is there a good program for styling and viewing them natively?
I'd like to get a test cloud up and running in preparation for a possible deployment of 12.04. I messed with the UEC a bit, but have had a much harder time finding anything helpful as a primer for the new stack. There is generic documentation on Diablo, but there are likely to be a lot of pieces already handy in Ubuntu that a specific guide could save time with.
Also, as much as I would love to, my budget doesn't include the $4-6k to get a small cluster running with the Canonical support.
I've heard great feedback on a few folks migrating production machines (including from this question), and I'd like to test the transition in our dev environment. Maria is apparently in the 11.10 repos, but there has to be more to it than just apt-get install; what else needs to be done to switch it out? Do the php5-mysql libraries work out-of-the proverbial box?
A quick google didn't turn up anything, so I was hoping someone could either point me to a good article, or lay out the steps in an answer here.
I'm a serial apt-getter (running it often throughout the day), and I find it a great way to see where Ubuntu developers are most active. That being said, an RSS feed would probably be a smarter/safer way to keep up on what packages are being updated and when.
I'm currently using LUKS device encryption to secure several machines running Ubuntu. The security and integration is nice, but the performance is considerably less impressive than TrueCrypt, and I'd like to test drive it in real life. The only problem is: I've only seen TrueCrypt used for storage in an already-running OS, I haven't seen it configured for / partition.
Has anyone done this or seen a tutorial I could check out on it?
I've successfully burned CDs from .iso images with wodim, but using this:
growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sg1=ImageToBurn.iso
fails with:
Executing 'builtin_dd if=ImageToBurn.iso of=/dev/sg1 obs=32k seek=0'
:-( write failed: Illegal seek
Brasero seems to work just fine in GUI; am I missing a library? is the command wrong?
I've been running Oneiric Alpha on a laptop, since the ati drivers in natty aren't new enough for the hardware. In general it's worked well; naturally there are the occasional crashes and bug reports. The strange thing is that--on occation--packages will uninstall themselves when I do an update. T
he first major one was unity. LightDM didn't have anything in the sessions menu, so I couldn't log in. I looked at .xinit files, searched all over, and finally figured out that unity had completely removed itself, even though it was the primary session type.
On another occasion, lightdm-greeter-gtk removed itself. Again, I had to hunt around in the logs to find that there was suddenly no greeter, although it had been working flawlessly for weeks before the update.
I'm not asking for stability--I know it's an Alpha. I'm just curious as to why packages decide to leave.
I like having focus prevention set to high, so that I don't have some stupid auto-launched app steal my typing in the middle of something else. Unfortunately, Unity keeps focus on the right window while raising the new one. A number of times, this has caused me to close an application by accident that had control of the menu bar, even though it was underneath the new window. Is there a way to prevent raise without focus?